Thursday, 21 October 2010

The wrong garden

I've given up waiting for lunch to visit the garden again, it's just too cold.  It's about this time every year when Ooman develops a very annoying habit.  Usually when I want to bask in the sunshine, I sit on the doormat, ask nicely and rather than scrambling in an ungainly fashion through the cat flap, Ooman opens the door for me.  Perfect.  Most of the time, Ooman opens the door to the 'sunny garden', but around this time of year Ooman seems to think it's fun to show me the 'cold garden' instead.  And no amount of complaining will get her to change it. 

It's annoying, she's so well trained in all other respects but I can't work out how to break this habit.  Suggestions welcome in the comments box below...

Monday, 18 October 2010

Bear with me

As you can see, I am decorating.  It's difficult without opposable thumbs.  Please bear with me.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Intruder alert!

I am writing to you from the flower bed. We have been invaded. Not once, but twice.

The first time was a cheeky young thing which made it all the way up to Ooman's bedroom in the middle of the night and woke us all up. The Child and I soon saw him off. Such, I suppose, are the perils of a cat flap.

The second intruder was more promising. It only invaded the garden, not the flat. It ate most of Ooman's favourite plant. Judging by it's ears, there was no hope of sneaking up on it. It's nose kept twitching, like it was very nervous. It was very quick and came from Over The Fence, although its actual method of access was under the fence. It was twice my size and it smelled like...LUNCH!

I hope intruder #2 returns - I have the garden under surveillance and am only eating light meals. Well, I don't want to spoil what promises to be a perfect meal by over-indulging on kibbles, do I?